Teen Engagement
One of our priorities at Temple Emanuel is to offer opportunities for our young people to meaningfully connect with each other, the synagogue, and with the broader community. We provide West Michigan Jewish teens the opportunity to explore and affirm their own Jewish beliefs and practices, and we aim to create enthusiasm around the breadth of Jewish culture and around living a Jewish life.
Each month, we facilitate a fun social event for teens to gather and build Jewish community together in an organic, low-stakes way. Each month is different: recent events include pool parties, river tubing trips, dinners out in the city, outdoor movie nights, sports at local parks, and more.
Teens also have the options to enroll in the United Jewish School through 12th grade and participate in the Madrichim Program. Our teen leaders are involved as active decision makers in shaping what our offered programming and UJS experience is like.
To learn more about our options for youth engagement, please email our Engagement Associate Shelby Denhof at

Young Adult Group
Temple Emanuel has a thriving young adult group for those in their 20s, 30s, and 40s led by Engagement Associate, Shelby Denhof.
Once a month, young adults get together for various events. We might attend a Friday night worship service together and afterward, attend a social event at a young adult’s home or at a local establishment. We might celebrate havdalah, go out to dinner together, or tube down the Rogue River and socialize with other young jews.
This group’s purpose is to develop and build community among Jewish young adults in Grand Rapids.
We are delighted that our group includes people of all walks of life. We include those of other faith traditions who are partnered or married to Jews. We welcome those of other faith traditions who are simply visitors. We also welcome those who are curious to learn more about Judaism and may consider conversion at some point.
Please contact to be added to our mailing list.